Joy Roth Community Service Award
Nominations Requested for the Joy Roth Community Service Award
Sponsored by The Ottawa County Republican Party
Port Clinton – April 1, 2023 — The Ottawa County Republican Central Committee is
pleased to announce the Third Annual Joy Roth Community Service Award to be presented to a deserving County resident who has given his/her time and talent to make a positive impact for the betterment of our Community. The Award is presented in memory of Joy Roth, who selflessly dedicated her time and talent to improving many lives in Ottawa County.
Nomination Process
See below for Nomination forms and selection criteria or pick them up at:
Community Development Foundation at ottawaccf.org
Ida Rupp Library; Port Clinton and Marblehead locations
The nomination form and a brief bio of the nominee can be submitted to Debbie Tester at
debbie_hymore_tester@frontier.com or to 1002 E. Perry St. Port Clinton, Ohio 43452
on or before May 1, 2022.
The presentation of the Joy Roth Community Service Award will be on June 14, 2023, at the
Ottawa County Fairgrounds at the Ottawa County Republican Annual Fish Fry.